So Long MMX! (And Thank You Google for the Roman Numerals)

I spent a little time yesterday reviewing my blog posts from 2010. And you know what? 12 months is a long time! Holy cow. So, even though I keep saying " Wow, this year really did fly by "--truth be told, we packed a lot into that flight! So, today's blog post is a bit of a recap (because that's what ya do on December 31) of my 2010 Highs and Lows. I'd also like to make sure and say that I'm grateful for this past year. I feel like I've learned a lot. And I think I've smiled and laughed a lot, too. And for that, I'm grateful. ********************* PS--If I were just blogging to blog, I'd probably NOT post this list at all. I mean, these things are OVER--history--so why dwell? BUT, I don't want my great-great-great grandkids to potentially read this and think I had a life free from, well, LIFE! Because that's just not that case. To paraphrase the granny in the movie Parenthood , my life is like a roller coaster--there...