Pie Party Postlude

We had so much fun with the Pie Party! I feel like I should write PieLoveYou (blogger who gave me the idea) and thank her for being so dang creative--because I borrowed all of her ideas. (What did we do before the internet?)

But my point, the party!

We had my two favorite things: FRIENDS AND PIE! It was the perfect night--and a great way to kick off the holiday season! (I loved it.)

PS: I'm telling you, Pie is the new cupcake.

PSS: Thanks to the family for making decorations, shoveling walks, helping with cleanup . . .  all while fighting colds! LOVE YOU!

Pie Slice Banner.

Pie Hats. (Thanks, Rebecca--for humoring me and wearing yours.)

It snowed Sunday!


The shoe and jacket rack. Most homes have a coat closet or shoe bucket. Not us.
This is how we roll.

Seth's expression cracks me up.
PS: We're the only people I know that invite people over and then sit them on the floor. Sorry guys!

J's favorite little person.

One of my favorite little people. 8)

2.5 pies leftover when all was said and done.

Once everyone left, I tried the final 2.5 pies. YUM! (And we were out of plates, PS.)

Cam's chalkboard welcome . . . didn't make it through the night exactly.

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