Sharpening the Saw
I'll admit it: when I decided to take a little break from blogging (at least writing everyday), I did so reluctantly.
I really like writing everyday--it's a little like praying or brushing my teeth. Not that the effects of writing are as "significant" as brushing my teeth or praying, but what I mean is writing is a routine part of my life.
So, I couldn't imagine giving that up for even one week.
What would I do? Would this be the end to my routine? (Would I stop brushing my teeth, too?)
Anyway, I'm here to say, it was a great thing for me to do--taking the break.
At first, I was uncomfortable (I'm a routine person), but by Day 3 I realized I really NEEDED the break.
By Day 6, I decided to add another week to the break/Getaway/vacation (my plan had been only 7 days off).
And by Day 10, I found myself making lists of topics to write about once I started blogging again.
Yup, I was actually EXCITED to write again. (Whereas before the Blog Getaway/vacation, I really was writing out of routine. Excited sometimes, but more than anything just doing it as a routine.)
So, what did I learn from my mini-vacation from blogging?
Vacations are a good thing. And not just the vacations to faraway destinations (although those are fun).
I think I will be taking more vacations from my "routine life" in the future.
I'll be doing what my kids call Sharpening the Saw (One of Covey's "7 Habits").