Weekend Collage

When I was getting ready to write today's blog post, I noticed that today is blog entry number 995!

That's 5 away from 1000!

HOLY COW! (Check out the Cooking link to see why I'm all over the Indian expressions. PS: Is Holy Cow an Indian expression?)

Anyway, my point! I'm going to do a special giveaway for the 1000th post, so check back Friday--for THE 1000th post!

In the meantime, here's a collage of this weekend's FUN activities. (I've left off the NOT FUN ones. Who wants to remember those?)

(PS: I don't have any photos of Jonah for the past 3 days because he was helping someone move AND mowing lawns when he wasn't doing that. Thanks, Jonah. I'm going to feature you for a whole week on the blog . . . as soon as you stay put long enough for me to snap a few photos of you.)

Paige and LuLu taking a water-break after a bike ride with Dave. PS: I cannot imagine what it would be like if LuLu hadn't come into our lives. P and she have more fun than any two siblings should have. I'm just so grateful. (And yes, I use sunblock on them, but I may need to up the SPF count.)

My asymmetrical Coconut Cake.
Note to anyone making one in the future, when you are icing the middle (where the two layers lay on top of one another to form the tower), you MUST use a lot of frosting. I went light on that--mistake. Ya want a big stripe of frosting between your two layers.

Fruit Roll--before the rolling.
Note: If you make these, spread the fruit pretty thinly before baking (for 8 hours!). Some sections of mine were too thick--which wasn't as good in my opinion.

Oh, and I think of these more like Fruit Rolls--those old school fruit thingys in the fruit section of the grocery store. They are on plastic in a circle shape? You unroll them and rip off the fruit. Are ya picking up what I'm layin' down?
(Recipe under "Cooking")

Maxx-Cat yawning. Scary photo.

Paigey's birdhouse. She bought it with her own money--and then painted it. My favorite part is that once it was done Jr. came up and said, "Do you think a bird can fit in there?"

Chirp. Chirp.

We were dying laughing. The entrance is a WEE-BIT small.

So, we put the birdseed on the outside--with hopes the birds will just use the house as a reststop.

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