The Past Is In The Past

I had a horrible weekend.


Not in an "oh, I got my arm caught in a meat-grinder" kind of horrible.

But a horrible weekend nonetheless. (I have eyewitnesses that can confirm this; seven them.)

You see, my mind was just heck-bent on finding faults with everything.

And guess what?

If you're looking for problems, and I mean REALLY looking . . .


You'll find them everywhere--at work, at home, with your family, your friends, the news, the World Cup, in toothpaste, in PlayDoh, cat litter, marshmallows, satellite radio, your air conditioning, the size of your can, your dog's groomer . . . yourself--EVERYWHERE!

And the real kicker?

Most of my crabby thinking had to do with things that had already happened.

You know things that were over. Done. In the past.

Is that the very definition of insanity--keeping problems alive? Letting the past torment you over and over and over by replaying it in your mind.

Anyway, my point!

I wanted to share this epiphany I had while punishing myself on an exercise machine at the community gym this morning (my own version of penance):


I know what you're thinking--everyone says that. Everyone knows that, Dawn. Heavenly Father, Wayne Dyer, Steven Covey, Fill-in-the-Blank Positive Thinker/Counselor.

BUT what I'm saying is, I really connected with this idea.

And beginning today I'm letting the past go.

I'm beginning anew.

It won't be easy, I'm sure.

I'll need reminders--post-it-notes on mirrors and the likes.

But I'm going to do it, I tell ya.

The PAST is not going to take away my PRESENT anymore.

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