Lives So Different

A photo-essay in today's NY Times has me thinking. It's entitled, "To Those With Nothing, Soccer Is Everything."

I guess since I was young, I have had this sense of how fortunate my life is/has been. I'm not saying my life is free from pain, but it's definitely so so so different than the lives of many people around the world. (My basic needs--clothing, shelter, food, water--have always been met. That makes me among the world's fortunate. And, it also makes for a pretty good life.)

You see, for some unspecified reason, here I am FILLING my cupboards to overflowing in the Utah, wondering if I should pay retail price for Toy Story 3's new Wii game, while literally a "world away," a boy is making a soccer ball from plastic bags and playing the game without shoes or proper clothing.

That's heavy to me.

And what's "heavier"? (And yes, I grew up in the 70s and have a free-pass to using "heavy" as an adjective.")

What do I do about it?

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