In Case of Emergency . . .

Yesterday was probably the most "close to perfect day" I've had.

What I mean is, the whole day was filled with this kind of happy-joy for me.

And I think the reason I appreciate that SO much is that I know from re-reading my past blog entries, there are definitely days that are LESS THAN PERFECT. Sometimes lots of them. In a row. (LOL!)

So, I'm thinking that today's blog post is going to be my "In Case of Emergency" post.

You know how most public buildings have those glass boxes with fire alarms inside--so when all heck breaks loose you can signal for help?

Well, today's memory/blog entry/photos are that for me.

It sounds dramatic (which is totally me, BTW)--I know LESS THAN PERFECT days are hardly "emergencies," but sometimes they do feel like THE END of the WORLD. No?

So, my point!

Today's entry is what I'm putting in my metaphorical "fire alarm glass case."

If I'm ever down and out, this is what I need to remember/call upon. These memories will help restore my faith and calm, and remind me that there's a ton of good in life.

So, question of the day:

Aside from a fire alarm or fire extinguisher, what would you put in your "In Case of Emergency . . . " box?

A car? (That's funny.)

An iPod filled with Run DMC music?

My "In Case of Emergency" box is going to have memories like these:

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