No, we didn't adopt a baby (that's our friend's beautiful baby!) . . .
Dave threw me not ONE,
but TWO,
SURPRISE Birthday parties this weekend.
The first came Saturday when my brother, sister-in-law, niece, nephew, mom AND dad, suprised me by coming up from California. (They were literally hiding in a room and came walking in . . . which shocked me to no-end!)
The second came Sunday when I answered the door to find 40+ friends on our doorstep with a cake and potluck dishes in-hand ready to celebrate.
Is that too much?
But that wasn't all.
Dave also made me a tribute slideshow with photos of me from babyhood up to now. It was really so kind and thoughtful. And so embarrassing. (Let's just say I have a lot of hair. And apparently I like to color it. Heaven forbid OK! Magazine ever does a "through the years" spread on my hair. Woo!)
Thank you Dave, our kids, mom, dad, Dane, Juany, Lil' Dane, Kate, and all of our friends!
You made me want to turn 40 twice!
Much love to each of you.
My heart is packed with smiles and love.
My parents got me a computer for my bday--which was really over-the-top kind and thoughtful. I was so excited. (My favorite part of this pix.: Jr. looks like "I don't think I'm as excited as you, mom.")
"Surprise" (See cute Morgan with the cake--THE 100lb cake, that is.)
Beautiful friends.
100lb Cake. (Thank you, Debi and Ken!)
Two of my favorite people ever.
(BTW: There were 4 Danes at this party. Is that possible? A Dane Convention ON the same day as my surprise party?)
(BTW: There were 4 Danes at this party. Is that possible? A Dane Convention ON the same day as my surprise party?)
Aunt Juany and the cousins.
Lorraine, Dave and my parents.
Gpa Austin (background), Josh, Rebecca, Taryn, Nicole and Ang.
We love Aunt Juany. (She braided our hair!)
Debi, my Oprah, and Dave.
P took this photo--and she's 7. Need to teach her about zoom. Anyway, it's Cam, Julie, Nicole, Whitt, Liz, our fav kiddos, and myself. (And no, I didn't get the lime green memo.)
Thanks for a beautiful day everyone.