Miss Plum with a Candlestick in the Drawing Room!

There's a mystery here on Hysteria Lane.

A big one.

Last night as we were coming home from the grocery store (with Jonah at the wheel), I noticed a box on our doorstep.

An Amazon.com box, to be exact.

Seeing how Dave is a major book fan (to the 10th power), I assumed the package was for him. So, I left it there. (I'm lazy when it's 12 degrees in April. Sad, but true.)

But guess what?

The package wasn't for him!

(Poor Dave, he thought it was for him too. Book-lovers can't help but see that Amazon logo and get excited. Poor guy.)

Anyway, my point.

SOMEONE--some Mysterious SOMEONE--left ME (yes, ME!) a brand new copy of the book "The Bread Bible" with a note that said they enjoy reading my blog and hope I will be inspired by the book (that's a summary).

Can you believe that? It's like a blog giveaway IN REVERSE!

How fun is that? How lucky am I? (And, should I start blogging about jewelry next?  LOL!)

Thank you, Mystery Someone! You made my year. I just can't thank you enough. It's the nicest thing a Mystery Someone has ever done for me.

And I LOVE THE BOOK! (I honestly couldn't sleep last night I was so excited to look through it. I think I've seen every page and read half of it. I. Love. It. Thank you!)

But, be warned Mystery Someone: Dave and the kids love a good puzzle. (Me, not so much. I just like to bake bread.)

And they have definitely taken this "case" on.

They've been sleuthing all night long ( . . . asking me 2.2 million questions, going over lists of people we've given bread to, running background checks on all of the neighbors. I think the poor mail carrier is scheduled for an interview today.)

And even though there are very few clues in "The Mystery of  The Bread Bible Book Gift"

--no name on the card
--unrecognizable handwriting
--labels clipped and cropped from the Amazon box itself
--no eyewitnesses to the "drop" on the doorstep

. . . there is an ISBN shipping confirmation on the box.


So be warned Mystery Someone.

So far the Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew's team have confirmed that the box originated from the vicinity of Copper Sky Drive.

So that narrows our group of potential Mystery Someones to 22.

You will be found Mystery Someone. Keep the porch light on! (And, really, thank you again.)


And now, in other news . . .

Yesterday was an interesting day. Rain. Sun. Snow.

I think it was the first 27 hour day on record for me.

I just couldn't believe how slowly the day went (or didn't went in this case).

Here's what I did to pass the time:

Bake bread.
Bake bread.
Grade papers.
Bake bread.
Bake bread.
Eat lunch.
Bake bread.
Go to the Dollar Store and create my "Three Amigos Celebrate Cinco de Mayo Door Wreath.
Bake bread.
Do laundry and homework/kids.
Bake bread. (And a pork loin.)
Eat dinner.
Visit Sis. Enke.
Read about bread.
Dream about bread.

And I'm not kidding. That list is accurate.

It's a good thing I wasn't raised in Alaska. I would have baked my way through adolescence. I'd have been a 278lb teenager.

(Thanks, Jonah for helping me with all of the cooking yesterday. Thanks to the kids for eating your 1000th slice of bread. I know you are tired of hearing mom say, "please try this.")

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