Favorite Things . . .

Well, we woke up to a dusting of SNOW on the lawn/car/home today.

Joy to the world! I LOVE snow in April-soon-to-be-May.

But rather than complain about it (because I can't control the weather, I can only CONTROL my reaction to it), I thought it would be better to do a little inventory check and focus on what's going well on Hysteria Lane.

You know: Take a walk on the Brighter Side of the street. Count my blessings.Think of the things I like vs. the things that make me crabby. (BTW: I think being crabby is okay--as long as you are in water. Which, I'm not. So I better revise my attitude OR get in some water.)

But enough rambling, onto my my list . . .  

Favorite Things This Week:

1. Zip and Steam Bags. You can microwave your vegetables in these little guys. It's so much better than getting out a 10 quart pot and boiling water. I know that plastic and micro-waves are probably not greenhouse-friendly, BUT, I'm saving water. AND, the veggies are so good! (Not overcooked.) There's even a cool little cooking guide on the back of each bag. You don't have to guess how long to cook the broccoli! Woo hoo! Mary C., thanks for giving us these at dinner once. Love 'em. (PS: Under $3.00 for 10 bags. And I've reused mine. Because that's how I roll.)

2. Jonah making me laugh yesterday.
I was in the car when a country song came on the radio. And so I told Jonah and Camry, "I don't get country music. It makes me feel cranky (a theme here)." 

To which Jonah said, "Does it make you want to punch a baby in the face?"

What in the heck? I've never heard that expression, but it made me laugh so hard. (And no, I don't want to punch a baby.)

3. Making a giant cupcake CAKE with the kids this week. (And realizing that the smile on a child is pure joy.)

4. Finding these photos on my camera this morning. (All taken by Camry--who's supposed to use her own camera. Caught! Thank goodness she doesn't listen to me. These made my morning. Gma Lorraine gave Harriet-the-Dog that dress. I. Could. Die. It's. Hilarious.)

4. Getting ready to plant our first garden in our home. (And I mean, "IN OUR HOME"--because the snow doesn't seem to be leaving anytime soon.)

5. Gma Mary sending me supplements.
My pancreas is going to be so happy! Thank you!

OH, and just because I can't resist irony, I'm sharing one last "HIGHLIGHT" of the week:

6. My Dr. losing my labwork from my annual pelvic exam.
Seriously? How does this happen? And seriously, do I want to go back in for a repeat of this? Uh, that would be "NO!" for those of you playing at home.

My favorite part of this story: me asking the medical assistant, "Does this mean I have to come back in and redo the exam?"

Her response, "Uh, well, you are young, you are probably fine. I think you could go another year."



What kind of training does a medical assistant have? Should she be giving medical advice?

Poor me and my poor pelvis.

Which rhymes with Elvis.

Which makes me laugh and realize "everything gonna be alright, lady."

(Which is what I heard in Jamaica about 5,203 times on our honeymoon. If I had a dollar for every time Dave or I have repeated that in the last 19 years. Woo. Truer words were never spoken.)

(PS: Still baking . . . locals, call me if you need carbs!)

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