Mr. Bubble Giveaway!

We are long overdue for a GIVEAWAY here on Hyteria Lane!

And with Valentine's Day just around the corner, I'm thinking we need to have a series of fun holiday giveaways--chocolate, cosmetics, bubblebath, and the sort.

So today we're kicking it off with a Mr. Bubble Giveaway. That's right--we're giving away not ONE, BUT TWO, full-sized bottles of Mr. Bubble (keeping it real, but fun).

If you'd like to enter to win, please click the link below and leave a comment (leave your email address too--so we can contact ya when you win).

Remember the guidelines:

1. We aren't sponsored--so this is just a fun friend thing to do.
2. U.S. entrants only (that makes me laugh, but I am thinking just in case someone in Tahiti Googles me).
3. You may enter more than once (once per email address).
4. We respect your privacy, your full name/contact information are not shared or used on the blog--at all.)
5. Previous winners may enter.
6. Yes, my own family may enter--we'd have one entrant otherwise.
7. One winner will be selected using on Monday, 2/1 @ 12:01/midnight (meaning, Sunday night).

Click here to enter:


(PS: Smiley-faced pancake pan winner: your pancake pan is out of stock--so we have to move to a Plan B for your previous win. Call me. BTW: I've learned a valuable lesson about blog giveaways: have the item in your home before you post the giveaway. Apparently Nordic sold a lot of those smiley-faced pans over the holidays--what with normal pancakes being such a downer and all.)

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