Eat Food. Not too much. Mostly Plants.

Not a ton of time to write today--which is odd for me because I love to write.
Here's the next book I'm hoping to crack:
Food Rules
by Michael Pollan (author and writer for the NY Times)
See details here:
Here's the next book I'm hoping to crack:
Food Rules
by Michael Pollan (author and writer for the NY Times)
See details here:
Some of the "Food Rules" I read yesterday in the NY Times' piece:
* "If it's served through a car window, it's not food."
* "The whiter the bread, the sooner your dead."
* "If the cereal turns your milk a color, you shouldn't eat it."
Sounds pretty interesting. (Particularly when you are trying to come off of a major bout with the flu and pancreatitis. The idea of anything processed sounds HORRIBLE. Ugh. PS: So does anything Cherry. This last round of sickness blew cherries for me--forever. Sorry for the details.)