
So Monday I was talking to my favorite friend, Christine in KY, about coincidences. It was nothing major, but we were both kind of just sharing things that had happened recently that seemed to be "by accident," but were really anything BUT. (I have one major one from this past year that I'm dying to write and tell people about, but it's so personal, I'm not sure a blog post is the place to discuss. LOL.)

In addition to the whole coincidence topic, Christine and I talked about 2.2 million other things--kids, food, old friends, church, books, etc.

So, imagine my surprise when yesterday--the day after talking to Christine--Cam, Kaya and I are eating lunch at Quiznos and we run into one of the friends Christine had asked me about the day before.

Not a really big deal, I guess . . .  except I haven't seen or talked to that friend in almost 20 years. Literally--19 years ago in Chatsworth, California.

Is that crazy? I hear her name on Monday, tell Christine I have no idea where she is, and then run into her 18 hours later?


I don't think so.

I really don't.

So, fresh on the heals of the Quiznos' experience, I'm explaining everything to Kaya and Camry in the car--how, "that wasn't a coincidence." I'm honestly using that word, kind of expressing how I think that wasn't an accident. The Twilight Zone theme is playing in the background. It's crazy to me.

And that's when it happens one more time.

The girls and I stop to get our mail and there's a package.

Only, I don't order things online really AND it's not anyone's bday, so I'm curious "What is it Cam?" I ask (she's the one I send into the 2 degree weather to open our mailbox--it's under lock and key in some community mail thingy).

Camry says, "I don't know. Portland, Oregon sent it."


As I get home and open the package, I'm surprise d to see that it's my Uncle Steve sending the package--a box of books and a really pretty handmade card (Thanks, Patty!).

The books are all about mothering . . . save one:

"When God Winks: How the Power of Coincidence Guides Your Life."


How can that be?

Really. I feel like I may be living the Truman Show.

Anybody with me here?

What are the chances?

That's an accident?

No way.

I'm still dying over it.

Queue the Twilight Zone theme music again. I'm grabbing my sailboat today and trying to row to the horizon--I'm convinced I'm living on a set here. (Have to know Truman Show to "get that.")

(Thanks, Uncle Steve. That was super super kind and thoughtful. I love the books.)


In other news,

On Haiti--
The kids collected all of their change and spare dollar bills on Monday for the Haiti Earthquake Donation--our own version of a telethon. We put out a can on the counter with "Haiti" on it, and the kids dropped money in it during the day. Kind of anonymous (we didn't see what one another put in. Well, except for Jonah, who was loving finding other people's money and putting it in the can."). After that we took the money (mostly change) to Coinstar and "cashed out." We had $50.00. Holy cow, it made me wish we had more. And then it made me realize how insane it is that our kids have 50.00 in change and one dollar bills around the house. I know it would be great to have 1000s to send, but I'm really grateful we did send something. I think it was important for us to do--and hopefully gets added with a lot of other people's big donations to make one HUGE donation. (We went to the Clinton/Bush for Haiti site and donated online there. I know there are a lot of great charities to donate to, but this one's website was super easy to use and I trusted it--so we went there.)

On the Weather--
I'm embarrassed that I can move from an earthquake to something as trivial as the weather. But, this is how my brain works. I'm cold and a little crabby about it. Snow doesn't bother me. Grey days do. I'm telling you, sunlamps have to be in my future. For the safety of the planet, sunlamps must be in my future. (Oh, and tan in a can. Love that.)

On Food--
After getting so sick a few weeks ago, I realized I have to change the way I eat, which means everyone in the gang has to change, too (because I'm the shopper and chef--LOL). I just feel like we've been eating so much gar-bage (please pronouce like a French word). I think I've had more processed foods and red meat this year than I have had in many years combined. UGH.

So, my goal is to add more fruits and vegetables (colors) to our menu AND cut back on red meat, white flour, refined sugar, and processed stuff.

Let me tell you what Day 1 was like (yesterday): FABULOUS! We had whole grain cereals for breakfast (nothing to change the color of the milk). We had vegetarian sandwiches at lunch (on 9 grain bread). And we had Indian food for dinner.

(Why Indian food? I've been thinking it may be fun to see how other cultures eat, since many seem to survive on less meat/more veggies than our culture.The Indian Theme night was so fun. We found an Indian radio station on XM and listened all day. Then we had "Butter Chicken"--which is named that b/c it has 3 tbs of butter in it--is that funny?. It's spicy with curry. We also had cucumbers, long grain rice, and Naan bread. All homemade. It was AWESOME. Oh, and in between, we had sesame seed bars, raisins, fruit . . .  and a DING DONG for LuLu (school had snack . . . a DING DONG--what in the crap?).

Tonight's theme? Mexican. We're having beans and mice. Woo hoo! (Skippy John Jones reference. Get. The. Book.)

Reading this makes me realize that despite the stresses of life (global and local), we live a really blessed life.

No more complaining about the weather.

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