What A Month
I'd had this post sitting in the Draft folder for at least a week. It's taken me a while to post. I don't know why that is . . . maybe it's that I write bits on social media a lot, so I am moving away from longer journal-type writing OR maybe I'm just at this place in our family life (5 teens and 1 young adult at home) that I just find it hard to blog. Either way, I know that regular writing is valuable. And I need to do it. I mean, really, I NEED TO DO IT. (And you do to!) Writing helps me reflect on life's daily happenings; it helps me find closure and understanding when I am somewhat confused about things; and most importantly, it helps our family record and remember the details of our lives. Just last week one of the kids had a question about how old our dog was/is, and I didn't know for certain. (Which seems hilarious that I didn't know that.) But then I had a thought-- "I for sure blogged the day we found her." And so we went to th...