
Showing posts from April, 2014


The kids just finished Spring Break and I just finished a semester of teaching, and it has made realize how thankful I am for endings AND new beginnings. And it also makes me thankful that spring and summer are on their way. There's just something INCREDIBLE about spending more time outside AFTER a pretty long winter indoors. And with that tiny bit of update, here are some of this week's photos. The one thing this week's photos have in common: they all make me feel HEAVEN here on earth. (Even the few spooky pics remind me that life is incredible.) Truly. Have a beautiful weekend. Much love, Dawn PS: Thank you to the woman who spoke with me at the doctor's office this week and gave me tons of help with Zu's hair. It was like a revelation, talking to someone who actually had the same hair as Zu. I learned a ton and am stoked to try the new shampoo and stuff on her hair (see below pix--after using new shampoo and conditioner). Sometimes life is insanely be...

Happy Easter!

I hope you have a beautiful Easter weekend. Much much love!  --Dawn Lu's beautiful art this week--and MAJOR thanks to Janae's talented artist friend for the lesson! Zu's beautiful art. I am so floored by what they can do and what they have learned. I'm telling you, I still can't draw a person!

Well ... HELLO!

Yes, my eyes are GIGANTIC. But it's kinda my signature feature. Well, that and my Jay Leno/Grandma Dotty underbite. But my point! See ... I'm still here! I know most university students dread Finals Week, but I guarantee you their teachers LOVE Finals Week. Why? Because while our students are studying and taking exams, we have a tiny reprieve from classroom teaching. AND it's the one time in our lives when we can justifiably lock ourselves in our offices--without interruption--and read student papers. It's AWESOME. I really REALLY love Finals Week. (And my students at BYU. I feel really fortunate to teach there.) Now, about blogging ... It's been a few months since I've posted consistently, but I am still in that "meh" mode when it comes to sitting down to blog each day. BUT I'm trying to accept this phase and just remember, "sometimes you feel like a nut; sometimes you don't." This is just a time in my life when i...