Just Another NOT Typical Day-in-the-Life
(c) Entertainment Weekly, page 11, 2013. Me, JC, and JPro! There are 4 really funny things to me about playing S urvivo r: 1 . Y ou get to live on an island and play this incredible game (an d potentially win 1 million dollars !). 2. Y ou get to challenge yourself in ways that just never ever happen in "real life." 3. You get to KNOW Jeff Probst! 4 . Y ou get to temporarily see what life is like "in the public eye" ( for media people or politi cians , etc.) . And I'm just here to say, numbers 1-3 are enough to thr ow off my center of gra vit y. But number 4 is something I still FLIP OUT over. It 's just never NORMAL to have someone stop me and say, "Are your Dawn fr om Survivor ? " N ever. And yet on some days it 's enough to make me think I should have my own box at the Lakers games, I tell ya. (Just kidding. Sorta.) But f ortunately--because I've played the game once before--I know that the "Sur...