Just Keep Swimming ...
The ducks at Oquirrh Lake near our home. Well, I made it to my first day of class at BYU... thanks to friends with jumper cables and a battery charger. (Thank you Janae/Jeff. XO.) And ... it was a great first day of classes. I really liked my students and am looking forward to fall semester on campus. BYU is so close to the Wasatch Mountains; it is amazing: Y Mountain (my view from the faculty parking lot). In other news, our kids learned to make their own lava lamp on Tuesday--and it was way cool. (The internet is crazy-awesome. Seriously, what did we do without it? ) Jr., Zu, and Bam at the start (It's a combination of cooking oil, water, food coloring and Alka Seltzer tablets.) Freeze-frame of the lava lamp. Groovy baby. Papaya. ***** PS: Our daughter Bam taught herself to make this bow bun yesterday from a post on Pinterest. Isn't it cute? If you have long hair you have to try it. Bam's bow bun.